Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cycles of the Mood

Read a chapter out of a book we borrowed from a friend for married couples (it has been a good book so far) and found some of it to be encouraging learning things I had not really known before. It was talking about a women's cycle and it was just cool to have some of the mystery (yes even to me) debunked.
Regrettably  there was no information for how to make the feelings associated with these cycles go away.
There are ways to combat the feelings for sure but nothing to stop them from showing up.
I recommend this book to those of you in a marriage relationship as I find it very helpful with a sarcastic and humorous edge to it. If you're interested the book is called "Becoming your Spouses Better Half" by Rick Johnson
Dealing with emotions as a woman is harder than it looks and it's nice to have the evidence to back it up.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A New Lease on Life

We got the house we were looking at a few days ago! God is so good. It's amazing how this new job
of Mike's, our housing situation, Cory going to school, so much has changed for the better. I feel excited
knowing that we are headed in a new, clean direction, with a place of our own. I have wanted one for so
long now and God is blessing my life with this answer of "YES" to my prayers. :) Looking forward to seeing
what we can do with this new place to honor Him. :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Eyes to See

Had my eyes checked and it's official, I need glasses. Quite a humbling experience if you've never
worn them in the past. Found out I am near-sighted and that my left eye has a stigmatization.
The people at the Dr.'s office seemed surprised that I had never worn glasses
before, perhaps like I have been wandering around "blind" or impaired for sometime and never realized it.
It was the weirdest feeling..humbling yet satisfying to know that I will have clearer vision and be more
aware of what is around me. These are my deep and meaningful thoughts for the day.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Taking Care Of Me

I have been awakened to the fact that to be the best Mother, Daughter, Friend, Sister, Women is to take
care of Me. This is a foreign concept to me as I am usually plugging away at the "To Do" List without another
thought on my mind. "I need to take care of Cory, clean the house, pray for_____, cook, go here, go there. The list goes on. I was brought back to reality today when I received a note from my husband informing me 
that he had completed all the chores I had to accomplish this morning and that my instructions for the day were 
to rest and drink water. (I have a nagging cold that just won't go away, sleep has alluded me, ect. You've all been there I am sure.) What a blessing to have "nothing" to do for the day and the only priority it to care for
yourself and your well being. I did have some things I needed to do but it was in the world that is mine, a lazy one. Thank you LORD for those angels with skin on. <3 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dream Big!

1 Travel all over: Italy, France, Rome, Caribbean, Hawaiian Islands, England, Ireland, Scotland, New York
2 Be happy being myself and nothing else
3 Be rid of codependency
4 Have a place of my own
5 Abolish fear and anxiousness from my life
6 Go on a cruise, a train

Will add more as the mood strikes me. In the mean time, I am going to dream big! =)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On My Heart..

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer."-Corrie Ten Boom

This is where I am at. Trying not to throw away the ticket and jump off when things in my life aren't going 
how I want them to, not sure where I am going, not sure of anything. I have to remember who holds the key
to my heart and who is in charge of my life. I want to live a life that follows God's purposes and cooperate 
in His destiny for my life. Sometimes I am not sure why He allows what He does but I know His character
and He's proven Himself to me time and time again. I want to live this "Faith Adventure" with enthusiasm and heart. I pray that I do not fail in this. Excited and nervous about what purpose God has for my life
but preparing for the challenge. 

Watching everyone around me I wish I had either the ability to make everything right or that they would
no longer suffer what ails them. Codependency makes you feel so out of control and I am trying to 
shed myself of the chains. I need the boundaries drawn between caring and making someone else's
problem my problem to fix.

Raising Cory I have learned what humble means. Caring about someone more than yourself
and knowing there is nothing more precious than being in their life. 
What a bitter sweetness it is to be human. To God be the Glory. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Fresh Page

I have been inspired to write again. Not sure what it will become but looking forward to having a place
where I can be creative and share my thoughts, opinions, ramblings and other nonsense. :)
Until then, I will see you all on the flip side.
