Monday, January 30, 2012

Taking Care Of Me

I have been awakened to the fact that to be the best Mother, Daughter, Friend, Sister, Women is to take
care of Me. This is a foreign concept to me as I am usually plugging away at the "To Do" List without another
thought on my mind. "I need to take care of Cory, clean the house, pray for_____, cook, go here, go there. The list goes on. I was brought back to reality today when I received a note from my husband informing me 
that he had completed all the chores I had to accomplish this morning and that my instructions for the day were 
to rest and drink water. (I have a nagging cold that just won't go away, sleep has alluded me, ect. You've all been there I am sure.) What a blessing to have "nothing" to do for the day and the only priority it to care for
yourself and your well being. I did have some things I needed to do but it was in the world that is mine, a lazy one. Thank you LORD for those angels with skin on. <3 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dream Big!

1 Travel all over: Italy, France, Rome, Caribbean, Hawaiian Islands, England, Ireland, Scotland, New York
2 Be happy being myself and nothing else
3 Be rid of codependency
4 Have a place of my own
5 Abolish fear and anxiousness from my life
6 Go on a cruise, a train

Will add more as the mood strikes me. In the mean time, I am going to dream big! =)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On My Heart..

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer."-Corrie Ten Boom

This is where I am at. Trying not to throw away the ticket and jump off when things in my life aren't going 
how I want them to, not sure where I am going, not sure of anything. I have to remember who holds the key
to my heart and who is in charge of my life. I want to live a life that follows God's purposes and cooperate 
in His destiny for my life. Sometimes I am not sure why He allows what He does but I know His character
and He's proven Himself to me time and time again. I want to live this "Faith Adventure" with enthusiasm and heart. I pray that I do not fail in this. Excited and nervous about what purpose God has for my life
but preparing for the challenge. 

Watching everyone around me I wish I had either the ability to make everything right or that they would
no longer suffer what ails them. Codependency makes you feel so out of control and I am trying to 
shed myself of the chains. I need the boundaries drawn between caring and making someone else's
problem my problem to fix.

Raising Cory I have learned what humble means. Caring about someone more than yourself
and knowing there is nothing more precious than being in their life. 
What a bitter sweetness it is to be human. To God be the Glory. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Fresh Page

I have been inspired to write again. Not sure what it will become but looking forward to having a place
where I can be creative and share my thoughts, opinions, ramblings and other nonsense. :)
Until then, I will see you all on the flip side.
